Flip Fluid sim retimed flick

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Joined: 10月 2017
I try to do a slow motion sim and I've some issues after re timing. I use a simple setup :

- 1 animated leaf mesh as static obj
- an ocean spectrum as vel multiplier
- a retime attr P by point id
- a particle fluid surface combine with the flip surface for the meshing

It seems that the issue occurs after the retime node. Some particles on the surface freeze and create bumps in some frames :

Would you have any idea where it comes from ?

I have few more questions :
-Are the substeps of the Flip Fluid or the dopnet or the cache file of the sim influence the substeps of the retime ?

-I use a thick version of the leaf for the collision. I do an animation outside the dopnet and then import it as static obj but some particles pass through it even if i use volume sample mode for collision. And if i use a rigid body solver and rbd object inside the dopnet it seems more accurate what is the differences between these two techniques ? What is the best solution to improve collision accuracy for thin objects ?

Here is the scene if you want to take a look at it :
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thanks all

captureSetups.png (324.4 KB)
Capture_bump.JPG (98.4 KB)
For_houdini_forum.zip (387.2 KB)

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