"glh_Material" linking error

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Houdini 20.5

When porting our custom GLSL shaders from Houdini 19.5 into 20.5, I have this linking error:

0(111) : error C1038: declaration of "glH_Material" conflicts with previous declaration at 0(124)

This seems to happen with all Labs GLSL shaders as well: The Labs Toon Shader, or the shaders in the Tree Generator.

I have the viewport set to OpenGL and not the new Vulkan viewport.

Anyone has an idea of how to solve this?
Fragment shader of Lab's toon_glsl_shader for reference below:

#version 330
//#define SKIP

in wparms
    vec4 pos;
    vec3 normal;
    vec4 color;
    vec2 texcoord0;
    noperspective in vec3 edgedist;
    flat in int edgeflags;
    float selected;
} fsIn;

out vec4 color;

uniform mat4    glH_ViewMatrix;

layout(std140) uniform glH_Material
    vec3            ambient_color;
    vec3            diffuse_color;
    vec3            emission_color;
    vec3            specular_color;
    vec3            metallic_color;
    float           metal;
    float           material_alpha;
    float           material_alpha_parallel;
    float           roughness;
    float           diffuse_roughness;
    float           ior;
    float           reflection;
    float           coat_intensity;
    float           coat_roughness;
    int             specular_model;
    int             coat_spec_model;
    float           specular_tint;

    bool            use_geo_color;
    bool            use_packed_color;

    bool            has_textures;
    bool            has_diffuse_map;
    bool            has_spec_map;
    bool            has_opacity_map;
    bool            has_emission_map;
    bool            has_normal_map;
    bool            has_rough_map;
    bool            has_displace_map;
    bool            has_occlusion_map;
    bool            has_metallic_map;
    bool            has_coat_int_map;
    bool            has_coat_rough_map;
    bool            has_reflection_int_map;
    bool            has_reflect_map;
    ivec4           diffuse_udim_area;
    ivec4           spec_udim_area;
    ivec4           opacity_udim_area;
    ivec4           emission_udim_area;
    ivec4           normal_udim_area;
    ivec4           rough_udim_area; 
    ivec4           displace_udim_area;
    ivec4           occlusion_udim_area;
    ivec4           metallic_udim_area;
    ivec4           coat_int_udim_area;
    ivec4           coat_rough_udim_area;
    ivec4           reflection_udim_area;
    bool            has_env_map;
    vec3            envScale;
    mat3            envRotate;

    vec2            normalMapScaleShift;
    vec2            normalMapScale;
    vec3            normalMapXYZScale;
    int             normal_map_type; // space: 0=tangent, 1=world  
    int             normal_map_ncomps; // 2 or 3 component

    int             displace_space;
    float           displace_scale;
    float           displace_offset;
    bool            displace_y_up; // vs. z-up

    bool            invert_opacitymap;
    bool            invert_roughmap;
    vec4            rough_comp;
    vec4            occlusion_comp;
    vec4            metallic_comp;
    vec4            coat_int_comp;
    vec4            coat_rough_comp;

    bool            reflection_as_ior;
    vec4            reflection_comp;

uniform vec3       lightPosition;
uniform vec3       lightColour;
uniform float      lightIntensity;
uniform float      threshold;
uniform vec3       baseColour;
uniform vec3       tintColour;
uniform vec3       emissionColour;
uniform sampler2D  emissionTexture;
uniform vec2       uv_scale;
uniform sampler2D  aoTexture;
uniform float      aoscale;

vec4  HOUsampleDiffuseMap(vec2 tx);
vec3  HOUsampleEmissionMap(vec2 tx);

uniform sampler2D       glH_SpecularMap;
uniform sampler2DArray  glH_SpecularArrayMap;
vec4  HOUsampleGenericMap(vec2 tx,
                          sampler2D reg_map,
                          sampler2DArray array_map,
                          ivec4 udim_area);

vec3 HOUapplyNormalMap(vec3 P, vec3 N, vec2 uv);
vec3 HOUfrontFacing(vec3 n, vec3 p);

void HOUlightingModel(in vec3 P,
                      in vec3 nN,
                      in vec3 mAmb,
                      in vec3 mDiff,
                      in vec3 mSpec,
                      in vec3 mMetal,
                      inout vec3 lAmb,
                      inout vec3 lDiff,
                      inout vec3 lSpec,
                      in float rough,
                      in float diff_rough,
                      in float ior,
                      in float metal,
                      in int spec_model,
                      in float alpha);

vec4 HOUwireColor(vec3 edges, int edgeflags, float selected);

void HOUassignOutputs(vec3 point_color,
                      vec3 emit_color,
                      vec3 metal_color,
                      vec3 amb_color,
                      vec3 diff_color,
                      vec3 spec_color,
                      float alpha,
                      float emit_alpha,
                      float rough,
                      float diff_rough,
                      float ior,
                      float metal,
                      float coat_intensity,
                      float coat_rough,
                      vec4 wire,
                      vec3 nN,
                      float depth,
                      float selected,
                      int lighting_model,
                      int coat_model);
void SimpleLightingModel(in vec3 P, in vec3 nN, inout vec3 lDiff, vec3 lightPos)
    float occlusion = fsIn.color.r;
    float emission = fsIn.color.g;
    float aoMap = (1.0 - texture(aoTexture, fsIn.texcoord0).r) * aoscale;
    float worley = clamp(texture(emissionTexture, vec2(fsIn.texcoord0.x * uv_scale.x, fsIn.texcoord0.y * uv_scale.y)).r, 0.0, 1.0);
    float shifted = smoothstep(0.0, emission, worley);
    vec3 emit = vec3(1.0 - shifted);
    emit *= emissionColour;
    vec3 V = -normalize(P);
    vec3 L, H;
    L = (glH_ViewMatrix * vec4(lightPos, 1.0)).xyz-P;
    float S;
    S = smoothstep(0.29, 0.3, clamp(dot(normalize(L), nN), 0, 1));
    S = step(threshold + (1 - occlusion) + aoMap, dot(normalize(L), nN));
    vec3 base = mix(baseColour * tintColour, baseColour, S);
    base = base * lightColour * lightIntensity;
    //lDiff = mix(emit, base, shifted);
    lDiff = base + emit;
    //lDiff = base;
    //lDiff = vec3(step(0.4, worley));

void main()
    vec3 nN, p, ptcol;
    vec4 wire;
    nN = fsIn.normal;
    p = fsIn.pos.xyz / fsIn.pos.w;
    ptcol = fsIn.color.rgb * fsIn.color.a;

        nN = HOUapplyNormalMap(p, nN, fsIn.texcoord0);

    nN = normalize(HOUfrontFacing(nN, p));

    //wire = HOUwireColor(fsIn.edgedist,fsIn.edgeflags,fsIn.selected);
    vec3 diff = vec3(0.0);
    SimpleLightingModel(p, nN, diff, lightPosition);
    color = vec4(diff, 1.0);
    //color = vec3(1.0, 0.5, 0.1);
//     HOUassignOutputs(mix(vec3(1.0), ptcol, ambient_color.b),
//                      color,             // emission color only
//                      vec3(0.0),
//                      vec3(0.0),
//                      vec3(0.0),
//                      vec3(0.0),
//                      1.0,
//                      wire.a,
//                      0.0,
//                      0.0, 
//                      1.333,
//                      0.0,
//                      0.0,
//                      0.0,
//                      wire,
//                      nN,
//                      p.z,
//                      fsIn.selected, 0,0);
Edited by elbriga14 - 2024年10月21日 09:31:16
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6 posts
Joined: 9月 2023
Solved: glh_Material must have changed between version, the correct version can be fetched by creating a blank GLSL shader. Labs nodes should probably be updated though.
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