Almantas Vasiliauskas


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Get selected channel in graph with Python 2023年11月23日12:30

Hi, michaelf,

correct, I am getting just an empty dictionary in keyframes variable "dict_keys()". Still have no idea, why it doesn't work for me. Your suggestion to use hou.playbar.channelList() works great for my case. Many thanks!!!

Get selected channel in graph with Python 2023年11月21日11:42

Hi, everyone!

after a long day of struggling I have reached a wall and looking for help. I need to get a name of parm of selected channel with Python, but had no luck with that.

Maybe someone is familiar with ChannelGraph [] class?

Strangely a simple example with keyframes in Houdini's help, doesn't work either:

import hou
channel_editor = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.ChannelEditor)
keyframes = channel_editor.graph().selectedKeyframes()
for parm in keyframes.keys():
    for key in keyframes[parm]:
        key.setValue(2 * key.value())
