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painting fur clumps 2011年3月2日20:28

I'm a bit confused on how the paint clumping tool works. My fur density is painted with average scalp coverage (for a human). With the fur clumping brush, I have painted a line down the middle of my head model (from forehead to the back of the head), with an opacity value of 1. Everywhere else is 0. I'm trying to create a “mohawk” of clump hairs.

For some reason when I turn on clumping, there are clump hairs all over where I painted density instead of just where I painted with the fur clumping tool. My impression was that the paint clump tool was to give the artist local control over where the clump hairs are. Am I doing something wrong? Or is it not possible to paint clump hairs in just a specific place?

digital asset error 2009年11月6日1:21

Yes I'm using 10.430. I was using 10.3 and got the same error. upgraded today and same issue.

digital asset error 2009年11月5日23:38

The Houdini console gives this message:

Unable to find dialog script for bridge_asset
at oplibSop/bridge_asset?Sop/bridge_asset

After it fails to create the digital asset, I mmb on the subnet and get the error:

“This node is using an incomplete asset definition. asset library containing full function needs to be installed.”

The null (in the subnet) with all my custom parameter controls works perfect. If an expression was not being evaluated correctly on a certain node, would that node show an error?