Bruno Kindt

Bruno Kindt

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Exporting Data from Geometry Spreadsheet 2018年8月9日12:25

SyntaxError in python Script Sop 2017年3月22日14:39


I'm having trouble figuring out the ‘script’ node (Script Sop).
A simple box with a script node results in the following error:

Python error: SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('', 1, 1, ‘/home/bruno.kindt/Library/projects/UE__BoilerRoom/BoilerRoom/Shop/scripts/\n’))

even if the file is empty or has a simple `print “foo”` line.
I'm a bit suspicious about the ‘\n’ after the filename in the error message.

Point attribute updates within attribute wrangle 2017年3月8日13:41

If I create a grid, add a red color to all points and then add a “attribute wrangle” with

@Cd = rand(1 + @ptnum);
vector test = point(0, "Cd", @ptnum);
printf("test: %p\n ", test);

the result of printf is

test: {1,0,0}

for all points. Not some random color assigned in the first line.

Is this because
point(0, "Cd", @ptnum)
always refers to the attributes of the input geometry (independent of changes made within the attribute wrangle) or because the attribute changes only take effect after the expression completes ? Or both…
