Cody Spahr
Cody Spahr
About Me
Cody Spahr is a technical artist at SideFX, with a background in game dev.
Game Artist
West Kelowna,
Houdini Engine
プロシージャルワークフロー | Environments | Digital Assets
Lighting | Realtime FX | PDG | VEX
キャラクタ & アニメーション | Animation | Solaris | 説明 | Python
Not Specified
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SideFX Staff
Since 1月 2023
Recent Forum Posts
Send Custom Primitive Data to Unreal 2024年10月11日15:18
This is still not supported right now with Houdini Plugin. Sorry.
Can't work with curves 2024年10月11日14:16
Hey there, you will need an input in your HDA for curves. This tree is built around the V1 Houdini Engine plugin workflow where embedded curves in your network would be set as editable. Now in V2, you can just set up an input, and in Unity just plug in as many curves as you want. It's a much more flexible system, easier to set up, and the idea is it gives you more control in Unity.
In the HDA, just set the max inputs to 1(find this by right clicking the HDA and go to type properties, and it's under the Basic tab), then in the network replace the `curve_Tree` node at the top of the network with your new Input node(see image). Save that and now in Unity you can set your HDA to use curves and select them from your world.
In the HDA, just set the max inputs to 1(find this by right clicking the HDA and go to type properties, and it's under the Basic tab), then in the network replace the `curve_Tree` node at the top of the network with your new Input node(see image). Save that and now in Unity you can set your HDA to use curves and select them from your world.
Utility Widget - World Input 2024年9月10日18:21
No worries. Looks like you need to take the (Return Value) from the `Create Empty Input` node, and feed that into your (Target) for the `Set Inputs Object` & (In Input) on `Set Input Parameter` nodes. Both are coming from some other variable, it's a bit blurry to read. But I think if you swap those around, it should work fine.
Here is an example I have working with world inputs on an Object Merge parameter. This grabs everything in my level with that tag, and adds it to my input.
Here is an example I have working with world inputs on an Object Merge parameter. This grabs everything in my level with that tag, and adds it to my input.