Jose Bringas


About Me

Junior Tech Artist


East york, Canada

Houdini Engine

プロシージャルワークフロー  | Environments  | Digital Assets  | キャラクタ & アニメーション  | Realtime FX  | VEX  | Python


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Recent Forum Posts

LOD Generation for Skeletal Mesh - HE 2024年9月16日16:38

Hi there,

I'd love to know if LOD generation is supported for skeletal inputs as it currently does for Static Meshes. I'm trying to create them following the HE documentation but I think that applies to SMs, idk.

Else, does anyone know if I can generate LODs for my baked HDA skeletal Meshes through uproperty attribute? I0m checking the cmd log Houdini.DumpGenericAttribute to see if I can set my "Number of LODs" and generate them but it seems unsupported currently. Please if anyone can confirm this.


hengine_noswap not working for me 2024年8月20日9:57

Hello everyone, I'm following official documentation on how to disable auto-swaping for axis conversion Houdini to Unreal Engine as mentioned here []. However, when I apply and save HDA and go back to UE, I can't see a change for my mesh's axis coordination. What am I missing at this point? I dragged my mesh's translate parameter and set the tags name/value accordingly. Or do I need to drag a fresh new float 3 parm and apply it there?

Appreciate any help!

houdini engine Unreal (hengine_noswap) option 2024年8月19日14:59


Hi Damien, here's what I don't understand. I'm dragging the translate node of my pighead node and attaching the hengine_noswap for the name and 1 for the value. But when I rebuild my HDA inside UE5 I don't see a change. What am I missing? thank you!