max rose

Max Rose

About Me

Lead Animator and 3D artist, developer and designer for interactive theaters, linear exhibits, and projection experiences.


Franklin, Not Specified

Houdini Engine

プロシージャルワークフロー  | キャラクタ & アニメーション  | Animation
Environments  | Digital Assets  | Lighting  | Pyro FX  | Realtime FX  | VEX


Not Specified


obj-image Intermediate
KineFX | Eye rigging with APEX
obj-image Beginner
KineFX | Create a Robot Rig using APEX
obj-image Intermediate
KineFX | APEX Rig Graphs
obj-image Beginner
KineFX | Create a Ball Rig using APEX
obj-image Beginner
KineFX | Rigging with APEX

Recent Forum Posts

Apex custom channels & IK / FK Modes 2024年7月19日3:00

To your first point, I put in an RFE a while ago for the same thing. Kodra’s setup looks awesome though, I’ve always loved viewport interfaces.

To your second question, yes the dynamic parenting option is great, but when working with ik there’s an inherent flaw. At the moment (not sure if this will change in the future) the ik controls do not have a proper arc when you animate them in fk - they move in a straight line from point a to b. That scrubs the principle of animation that objects should move in arcs. While this functionality is amazing, it’s still not quite ready for an ik setup.

[APEX] Can animated characters be recycled? 2024年7月17日14:48

Correct me if I’m wrong, it looks like you’re trying to recreate your apex rig after setting a new pose in the animate state.

If this is what you’re doing, it’s better to set this up within the skeleton creation, and pose your skeleton using a rig pose. You take the output of that rig pose, and pipe that into your pack folder. It’ll retain all of your joint information, so your rig will be set up automatically.

This allows you create something of a template rig that you can use anytime you want.

How to see properties in APEX network view? 2024年7月15日9:06

“Properties” is a dictionary. It’s sort of a nested dictionary, so there’s no way to view it outside of the geometry spreadsheet. I’m not in front of my comp right now, so I might get the node names wrong, but properties can be adjusted before the apex rigging process with a Adjust dictionary node, or During the apex process using a component script with a dict::build node.

I go a little bit into that process in this video, at around the 10 minute mark: []