Nico M


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Houdini Engine


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Controlling a Crowd to form a shape on the ground [SOLVED] 2022年2月28日10:22

What I have done, is to generate a goal point per-agent. You need a walk state and an idle state. While the agents are walking, the Use VEXpression code set the goal for each agent, causing them to approach a point in the logo or design. A crowd trigger measures the distance between the goal and the agent. After a threshold is crossed, the state is switched to idle, indicating arrival at goal.

This is an older scene, but it might get you going.
Image Not Found

Wow, thanks so much. This is a huge help and I think I can use this for my project.

Controlling a Crowd to form a shape on the ground [SOLVED] 2022年2月28日6:55

Hello everyone,

for a project of mine I need to recreate the following video: []

I want to start with a randomly distributed crowd of sheep and I want those sheep to be attracted to a shape on the ground made out of food (e.g. a heart shape). If the food is already populated by a sheep then i want other sheep to find a different spot on the shape. After some time the whole shape should be populated by the crowd.

I have experience with Houdini in general but havent used the crowd system before. Maybe, someone who has experience with crowd simulations can point me in the right direction how to set up a system that could imitate the sheep in the video.

I would appreciate any help to point me in the right direction to tackle this problem

Thank you!

Deleting the beginning characters of a string 2021年1月29日13:24


In this thread [], I learned how to remove the end characters of a string using VEX.

How would I go about deleting the beginning characters of a string?

I have a KineFX rig in my scene and, as an example, I want to rename the name attribute of my joints from this:


to this:


Any help would be appreciated.
