Robert Freitag

Robert Freitag

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Recent Forum Posts

How to replicate 3ds Max's "Swift loop" feature in Houdini? 2021年3月13日16:24

Excellent! Thank you very much!

How to replicate 3ds Max's "Swift loop" feature in Houdini? 2021年3月12日19:10


I basically want to be able to do this, I've used edge divide to make the new edge, now I want to align it parallel to the next edge loop with fixed (!) positions towards the points:

How to replicate 3ds Max's "Swift loop" feature in Houdini? 2021年3月12日18:32

Hey Folks,
back in my 3ds Max day's I really liked a feature called "swift loop" this guy here demonstrates the feature very well. To my knowledge, it's not in Houdini currently. How would you go ahead and do something like that:

(Linked timestamp is correct, just watch 20 seconds of it from that timestamp on) []

I would appreciate any suggestion!

Thank you