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Houdini 20 will be unveiled (not released) on October 26 2023年10月18日16:35

Should I start learning Houdini 19.5 now or wait for v20 to start? Will v20 be that much different in regards to learning curve or workflow?

Kill Particles Question 2021年6月26日23:15

One more question, why do the particles/spheres seem to wiggle around instead of coming to a complete rest?

Kill Particles Question 2021年6月25日23:54

here's one way...tho I'm not quite sure what you're doing or intend on doing.

(the question is a bit vague...kill the entire simulation ? or just stop emitting ? big difference
between the 2)


thanks for the reply. I just want to fill up a bowl/glass with a few "marbles" so just want the emission of particles killed/stopped at a certain point and let the marbles settle. The scene you attached is what I was wanting, so will take a look and see what you did...