Satoshi Eto


About Me

Freelance CG Artist / Programmer.


Yufu city, Japan

Houdini Engine

プロシージャルワークフロー  | Digital Assets  | VEX
Environments  | Cloth  | Lighting  | Fluids


I am available for Freelance Work

Recent Forum Posts

About output object's transfrom from HDA 2022年1月21日1:38

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I checked "Keep world Transform" in both case.

Event if I didn't check "Keep world Transform", this problem is not changed.
When I check "Keep world Transform", this results became as shown below.
This time, I updated the HDA. The input is gray box. The Output is red box. And gray and red squares are these origins.
The square objects are not in input game object.

Case 1. (two children)

Case 2. (one child)

This is not that I expect neither.
The difference between Case 1 and Case 2 is these origins and offsets.
Case 1 keeps children's offset.
But Case 2 doesn't child's offset.

About output object's transfrom from HDA 2022年1月19日22:50

I'm using Houdini Engine for Unity.
I found an incomprehensive behavior as shown below.

For the sake of simplicity, I use a simple HDA which outputs the input as it is.

Case 1
The input is a GameObject(empty) which has two children GameObjects.
Parent's position is (0, 0, 5).
Child 1's position is (0, 3, 3).
Child 2's position is (0, 3, -5).

Then the output becomes this.

This result seems fine as I expected.

But in next case, I can't understand why the HDA outputs like this.

Case 2
The input is a GameObject(empty) which has a child GameObject.
Parent's position is (0, 0, 5).
Child's position is (0, 5, 3).

Then the output geometry's position becomes this.

I expected this output's position not to be changed just like with Case 1, but it`s position did in fact change.

Is there any solution for this behavior?

Houdini 19 Unity curve problem 2021年12月3日9:25

This problem is fixed in Houdini 19.0.455.

Thank you so much!