Kenji Endo


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Reloading Sublayers of Loaded Layers 2021年12月6日13:48

Hey Brian - I believe Sublayer LOP should be doing a "deep reload" of the recursive layers used by the top level layer in the Sublayer LOP. If it's not, that might be a bug case to log.

If you want to reload a layer, recursively or not, in Python - the LOPs recommended way is hou.lop.reloadLayer() on [] You can call either hou.lop.reloadLayer(<path>) hou.lop.reloadLayer(<path>, recursive=True), which will reload all used layers by that top level layer.

- Kenji

Colors in Scene Graph Layers Panel 2021年5月26日17:41

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Colors in Scene Graph Layers Panel 2021年5月26日17:40

I think Brian is referring to this type of coloring. There's orange, dark orange, and purple. I also haven't seen official docs on this, but my understanding of the colors are:

Purple = muted layer
Orange = there's an opinion in this layer for your currently selected prim in the Scene Graph Tree
Dark orange = there's an opinion in one of the child layers under me (click the plus) for the selected prim in the SGT