Luiz Eduardo Mihich
About Me
United States
Houdini Engine
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Recent Forum Posts
Uknown extension 2019年11月3日0:14
i am glad this post is in here and not only submitted as a bug report, I needed it.
Mantra license went kaput while using Houdini Indie. 2015年6月5日17:47
Support was fast and awesome !

Mantra license went kaput while using Houdini Indie. 2015年6月4日23:28
Dear friends.
Gosh .
I am having the same trouble again.
my Renderer non-commercial 14 just vanished from
my license administrator list and got assigned to other server.
I did nothing, the license migrated and got assigned elsewhere,
leaving my Houdini Indie working , but without mantra render functionality.
Already contacted support.
:cry: :cry:
Gosh .
I am having the same trouble again.
my Renderer non-commercial 14 just vanished from
my license administrator list and got assigned to other server.
I did nothing, the license migrated and got assigned elsewhere,
leaving my Houdini Indie working , but without mantra render functionality.
Already contacted support.
:cry: :cry: