Mantra license went kaput while using Houdini Indie.

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Recently I've transfered my Houdini Indie license to my PC
as I was experiencing problems with my Mac pro Vídeo card.
I am working normally and above all , rendering normally,
with Houdini indie and was about to perform a test render when I first received an error message,
saying that couldn't find a valid license.
Just checked my License administrator and Houdini indie license is there,
However no license for the mantra whatsoever,just vanished .
I am pretty sure that I've instaled both licenses,on my local server, and I was using it normally until yesterday.
Can someone please explain that to me ? or simply help me to retrieve my Houdini Indie mantra render, fully working again.
I am in the midlle of a project and this is absurd and very annoying.
I am clueless.
error message reads :
No licenses could be found to run this application.
Please check for a valid license server host
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You should open Houdini License Administrator and check that it has a Render license. If it's missing then you can use the File menu and select Manually Enter Keys. Grab these from your []

*As you've found out it's always a bad idea to switch computer setups during a project.
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You are right about switching computers, However
I can't find a decent explanation on How my mantra license
won't work, if it was working fine before.
I will try reenter manually the keys, even thougth
there is a limitation for How many times you can
transfer a license,twice i think, and I am now replacing one that should be
working in the first place.I've rendered many times for months now
before receiving this error.
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Manually entering keys shouldn't use up a ‘return license’.

Lots of info here which will solve all issues, but you need to be very methodical: []
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methodic about what ? Thank you for your help and senior advice Guru,
not enough to solve the problem , Thougth.
Please someone help here to retrieve a lost license.
I mean real support , from Side effects in a real license problem.
I have no clue about this license problem, and I think
support will have to help me to clarify it , because when I log in the site,
the render license that should be with my Indie license don't show
either, among my license entitlements.
methodic about what ?
I can't be methodic about a problem that is a clear BUG , and I don't
fell “guilty”about transfering my license,( I did it thousands of times with 3ds max , with no weird problem at all), this hardly is the problem, , and I believe that a functionality that just collapses usage in the software, does not demand from me , to be methodic or learn something, but to be helped as end user dealing with a License flaw, interrupting my work.
I already notified my problem to support.

If yourself want to be methodic and study the problem similar to
the one I am having right now ,I recommend for bibliography :
All the books by Franz kafka.
the plays by Ionesco
the film “the Lady vanishes” and “the Wrong Man” by Alfred Hitchcock

:?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
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You do realise this is a user supported forum, all you're are doing is venting at fellow users…. sorry for your troubles and I do hope someone else can solve it for you.
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Yes, I have used this forum before, I do apreciate all your advice.
I Think fellow users shall acknowledge that their (Indie render) licenses can fail at any moment,without any explanation ,and they'll have to deal with this !
Hope support will help, still waiting for their reply.

Did you have trouble like that before ?Does any of your licences,
fails fom time to time?
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If you always keep your computer the same name, it *should* work the same. I've never tried it on Windows, but on Linux, I've changed machines when upgrading, but kept the hostname the same, and copied the license files over; and everything worked fine. Maybe try renaming your PC the same name as your Mac Pro?

Unless something has changed, you can email support directly with licensing problems. It's a good idea to ask on the forums and thoroughly check the FAQ first, of course, but AFAIK, you've always been able to get support for licensing issues from SESI.

Having said that, I don't know if you'll get a fast response (i.e. within hours) over the weekend, unless you're on a paid AUP.

BTW although you have used the forum before, your response to Marty's help was (appearantly) to shove the advice back in his face with rude sarcasm. Whether or not it was intentional, that's how it came across. I hope it was just a miscommunication!
I'm o.d.d.
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I didn't have any problem transfering my license to PC,
i didn't change any names , and Houdini Indie was working
fine , for months, and lost functionality for Render.
This is a serious issue, and I know it is also a bug.
That's why the tone in this topic is not helping me to solve the problem.
Something like, if you have an issue , shame on you because
we are perfect here.
I am sorry that you understood my first reply to MartybNz as
rude sarcasm, I have absolutely nothing against him, perhaps
it is just my way to express myself about software issues, if I
sounded rude to anyone , i apologize, was not my intention.
but , now speaking about yourself ? no sarcasm here .
I am having a serious problem with my license, and it is NOT my fault !
Are you threatening me in any way ?
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I'm really sorry for adding noise to the thread; I'm not threatening or anything, just trying to help, but I'll leave it alone.
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I am really sorry.
I think I could be nicer to both of you
I understand that you both are just trying to help.
Please accept my apologies.
my irony wasn't directed to any particular person, but to my situation and Deadline,lost by the way.
got into my hair, I suppose.
The only truth about this topic, is the title.
I instaled my licenses correctly and everything was fine,
support contacted me but they say I didn't install one of them.
Truth is , I did install and the license
which is the render one got uninstalled.
But I am working with them to restore it.
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It's all good, no hard feelings! Sounds like you're working with support; good luck!
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I had the same problem with H14 osx indie(mantra failing to launch)…a quick email to support solved the problem very quickly.

Love the outstanding support SESI!
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I'm having license problems with Houdini Indie on monthly basis. Had some with Mantra too, right after I frantically kept clicking on the render button when Mantra decided to show me the endless “Generating Scene…” message. :twisted:
Not sure if it's my security package's fault or something else, but what always helps me is opening Houdini License Administrator as system administrator, selecting File->Change License Server, clicking the Local Server (to make sure the name of your computer is correct) verifying if Standalone Mode is enabled and accepting the selection. I'm not sure about network licensing though.
Checking if the Houdini system services are up and running is also a good idea, if the above doesn't work.
Before I discovered it, I used to return my key to SESI server and retrieve it again, but that was silly.
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Dear friends.
Gosh .
I am having the same trouble again.
my Renderer non-commercial 14 just vanished from
my license administrator list and got assigned to other server.
I did nothing, the license migrated and got assigned elsewhere,
leaving my Houdini Indie working , but without mantra render functionality.
Already contacted support.
:cry: :cry:
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Support was fast and awesome !
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