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Can use Eigen C++ library in Vex or OpenCL? 2024年4月10日7:25


You can use it inside Houdini using C++ Wrangle:

This guy integrated the Eigen library also:
https://github.com/lecopivo/cpp-wrangle [github.com]

So you can try that version to access the Eigen library directly. This is the closest you can get albeit not inside VEX or OpenCL.
Many thanks for your advice, looks like a very good and interesting solution!

Can use Eigen C++ library in Vex or OpenCL? 2024年4月10日7:23

use eigen in vex:
HDK: Custom Vex Function [www.sidefx.com]
But it's still inconvenient
Thank you very much for your suggestion. I actually have a small problem with HDK. Every time I recompile the plug-in, I have to restart Houdini to recognize it. This is a bit annoying. Is there a way to make Houdini detect custom node updates in real time?

Can use Eigen C++ library in Vex or OpenCL? 2024年4月9日3:06

I am now hoping to use the Eigen C++ library in Houdini. I know that I can compile new custom nodes using the HDK, but it can be a bit cumbersome. Since Houdini internally uses the Eigen library, is there a way to use Eigen in Houdini's vex or OpenCL?