Wanqi Lyu


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VAT3 Documentation? 2021年9月6日7:43

In case anyone's still in search, I found this doc page here: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/nodes/out/labs--vertex_animation_textures-3.0.html [www.sidefx.com]

Difference between called via python shell and via parm callback / shelf tool? 2019年9月10日15:46

Hi Houdini friends,

I'm having a pretty weird issue right now and was wondering if this is something that someone else has encountered before:

When I call a function as a callback to some button on an HDA/ shelf script, the result is different from when I directly call it in the python shell of an opened Houdini session / directly in a hython shell.

More specifically, when called as a callback, it hangs; while when called from hython it went through as expected;

The function involves some general wrapping code, that execute some houdini specific code, and it seems that any call from the hou module would hang when ran as callback.

Does anyone have similar issues before / knows more about what might be different when something is executed as parm callback vs. directly from hython? Thanks soooooo much in advance!

houdini 17.5 flipbook lock file name changed? 2019年7月9日15:09

Hi Houdini friends,

It seems that the flipbook lockfile name changed from 17.0 to 17.5? The hostname was using the one without the domain in 17.5, e.g. it is now

Is there a way / an env variable that is stored for this? trying to get it from


would all produce the full host name with domain, and there seems to be only “HOSTNAME” in env related to this, which is also the full host name with domain.

I could try to see if this lock file exists by wildcarding the domain, but just wanted to make sure that there might be a better way to know this for sure?

Thanks so much in advance!

- Viola