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Setting up low res collision geo groups? 2016年7月25日16:13

Cracked it. In the end all you need to do is create a group named collision_geo and it should work automatically.

Setting up low res collision geo groups? 2016年7月25日15:17

Hi Fifty. Thanks, yes I have been able to import custom collisions in .fbx using the technique in the video you posted. I haven't been able to get this to work yet with .hda/.hadlc so I am thinking that the procedure is slightly different somehow.

I'm using Houdini Indie 15.5.542 with UE 4.12.5

Setting up low res collision geo groups? 2016年7月24日15:34

Hi guys,

I've been trying to set up custom low res collision geo with no success so far.

I haven't been able to find any documentation about this procedure other than that it is mentioned here
https://www.sidefx.com/products/houdini-engine/ue4-plug-in/ [sidefx.com] @~5:57

The lady mentions setting up a building_geo group to do this but doesn't got into further details. Does anybody know how this group is export/imported into Unreal Engine? Is this documented somewhere obvious I have overlooked?
