Adam Zeke


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Refersh GLSL Shader 2020年10月21日6:57

That works! Thank you!

Refersh GLSL Shader 2020年10月21日5:27


I'm working on a GLSL viewport shader which I load trough the ogl_glsl_shader parameter from a .prog file. Is there a way so I can refresh the shader in the viewport when I change something in the code?

Using a VOP asset is not an option for me because I'm using python to generate the shader code and I guess I cant modify an assets frag code from python.

Build error 2019年4月14日6:10


I'm getting the error below if I try to build a unity project with houdini engine, even if I just import h engine to a new empty project. What could cause this? I'm using Unity 2018.3.11f1 and Houdini 17.5.173. Otherwise everything works fine until I try to build.

Assets\Plugins\HoudiniEngineUnity\Scripts\PDG\HEU_PDGAssetLink.cs(268,6): error CS0103: The name ‘ParseHEngineData’ does not exist in the current context