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総再生時間: 3h 42m 8s
Project Pegasus で目標としたのは、Unreal Engine 5 の Nanite 等の機能を活用し、高レベルのディテールを目指すことです。そこでチームは、地形に追加のディテールを足すためのプロシージャルな崖の生成ワークフローを開発しました。
Height Field をジオメトリに変換し、崖を分割するための Digital Asset を作る方法を学びましょう。次に、Height マップを使ってジオメトリのサブディビジョンとディスプレイスを行い、大きめの崖をタイルに分割していきます。その後、Digital Asset を使って TOP ネットワークを構築し、島全体の崖の生成を自動化します。
大量の Nanite ジオメトリを Unreal にインポートするのには多くの課題が伴い、コンピュータのメモリの使用状況を管理することが重要になります。後半のレッスンでは、コンピュータのリソースを管理し、ジオメトリのインポート中に Unreal がクラッシュするのを回避する方法を学んでいきます。
注意 - レッスン 12 では、サブディビジョンを最大限まで繰り返すとメモリの問題が生じて Unreal がクラッシュすることを確認します。Nanite ジオメトリのインポートと処理は、メモリを著しく消費します。このレッスンでは、コンピュータがメモリを使い切り Unreal がクラッシュすると何が起こるかを実際にお見せします。複数のバッチに小分けしてインポートして、このようなメモリ関連の問題を回避する方法を学びましょう。
zisu666666 1 年, 2 ヶ月 前 |
Thanks for the tutorial!
binbinwei8 1 年, 2 ヶ月 前 |
It seems to be missing from the project file.
iansmithartist 1 年, 2 ヶ月 前 |
Thanks, will try to update this as soon as possible.
donlanlan.lee 1 年, 2 ヶ月 前 |
hi, I get a error when I cook the geometry import node ,flowing the tutorial. the error:
Empty or missing file path
Invalid input geometry
How should I do ?
iansmithartist 1 年, 2 ヶ月 前 |
I've tried to recreate your error but have been unable to. Are you able to give me more information? It might be useful to post on the forum in Houdini Learning Materials and share your Houdini file. https://www.sidefx.com/forum/10/
ehabqurah.graphtut 1 年, 2 ヶ月 前 |
excellent very very wonderful
nnniiannn 1 年, 1 ヶ月 前 |
Kami Sama!
KosITGaming 1 年, 1 ヶ月 前 |
Hello, i am new to houdini and i really enjoyed these tutorials, but i get stuck on lesson 9 - Importing HDA into Unreal . everything is working fine in houdini. but in unreal engine when i want to cook it says 1 waiting and 1 cooking and then fails 2 after a couple seconds and the cook logs say: One or more upstream nodes have failed work items. This node is not fully generated thats starts from the 03_Extract_Cliffs_Split all the way to HE_OUT. I guess thats because it already fails at loading the landscape. Any idea what i might be doing wrong? in houdini it al works perfectly
KosITGaming 1 年, 1 ヶ月 前 |
I got it working, turns out i had the load landscape hda file set with $hip as source directory in the top network. Now the cooking works but unreal crashes when it starts baking. when i turn of auto bake everything works fine, when i hit bake unreal crashes with this error:
Assertion failed: PackageName.StartsWith(L"/" + FString(MountPointName)) [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\UObjectBaseUtility.cpp] [Line: 239]
Anyone experienced this?
TimBayer 1 年 前 |
I am having the exact same error, did you find a solution?
TimBayer 1 年 前 |
In case anyone else runs into this, it's probably a path issue.
In my unreal_bake_folder attribute, the path was missing the "/" in front of "/Game". Once I added the "/", deleted all the output files, and recooked everything, the bake worked.
Noob_Noob 4 ヶ月 前 |
Hey, I'm having the same issue. I've added the / but not sure the path to the output files to delete... I know we set /Game/Pegasus/Landscape/Cliffs but where is the Game folder located?
Noob_Noob 4 ヶ月 前 |
NVM I'm such an idiot. sorted it.
365384849 1 年, 1 ヶ月 前 |
DevoStevo 1 年 前 |
I just hooked up the PE_Heightfield_Layers_to_ID & Houdini gives the following error;
"Traceback (most recent call last): File "/obj/geo1/PE_Heightfield_Layers_to_ID1/id_layer", line 8, in expression
File "C:\PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.590/houdini/python3.10libs\hou.py", line 40976, in dictAttribValue
return _hou.Geometry_dictAttribValue(self, *args) hou.OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed. No attribute with this name exists".
Anyone else had this issue?
Igrom 11 ヶ月, 2 週間 前 |
I'm wondering how to create my ID_Map_Layers preset and save as Metadata$OS.bgeo.sc? I haven't found any documentation or video on this topic.
JamesBinnsy 10 ヶ月, 3 週間 前 |
I am also struggling with creating this file, did you manage to figure it out?
colossus323 10 ヶ月, 1 週間 前 |
Hello, guys! I have an issue: when I try to cook HDA Processor with Extract Cliffs, I getting an error , saying ''ERROR: Node failed to cook:
Invalid source /obj/geo1/HF_Extract_Cliffs1/convertheightfield1/repeat_end1.
(Error: Failure to cook template geometry.).
Deleting node '/obj/geo1'
ERROR: Failed to cook .hda''
So I tried to disable nodes before Convert Heightfield node, and I found out that cook will work if i disable flowfield node, which I actually need. But even then, none of my HDA Processors are seem to write anything in to the cache, because nothing is showing up when I press View Work Item Output, and Geometry Import doesnt export any ''class'' pieces. Can you please help me with that, thanks.
Getyamamout 7 ヶ月 前 |
Just a thought would it be possible to not displace the cliffs in houdini and just send the masks and cliff planes to unreal to keep the geo low and have unreal do the displacement?
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