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総再生時間: 1h 36m 23s

Project Pegasus の主なゴールは、Nanite を使った精細な環境作成のための Houdini ワークフローを探ることです。Unreal 内の Houdini Engine で Nanite ジオメトリを使うと、両者の間で大量のデータ送信が必要になり、多くの課題が生じます。

プロシージャルの石垣を作るためのデジタルアセットの作成方法を学びましょう。このシリーズでは、複数オブジェクトの生成と、生成したオブジェクトを Unreal で保存する際のコツ、また、データテーブルを使ってこれらのオブジェクトを自動的に HDA へ追加する方法に焦点を当てていきます。



Feike is always eager to help, but getting a good idea of the different solutions first. As a graduate of IGAD (International Games Architecture & Design) in The Netherlands with half a decade of experience with Houdini, he currently enforces building techniques using procedural design. He loves teaching and exploring problems from both the artistic as the math-driven side of things to get to the desired results. Teaming up with Ivo he co-founded Dokai, and is loving everything there is about sharing environmental design for games, in a procedural way.

More from Feike Postmes


  • Woovie 4 ヶ月 前  | 

    All of your tutorials past and present have been extremely educational. This was a great one as usual.

  • FeikePostmes 4 ヶ月 前  | 

    I appreciate your kind words! Glad to hear you found the tutorial helpful. Happy learning!

  • Newman2 3 ヶ月, 3 週間 前  | 

    Pro tip just for you Feike: you can change the "Shake Distance" in Preferences, so you don't have to shake the nodes so furiously. ;)

    • FeikePostmes 2 ヶ月, 1 週間 前  | 

      Noted! My node-networks will appreciate it to have gentle shakes from now on :P

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