
Savannah College of Art and Design 

Atlanta | Savannah, Georgia

The Savannah College of Art and Design is the most comprehensive art and design university in the world, offering more degree programs and specializations than any other art and design university. SCAD is a private, nonprofit, accredited institution conferring bachelor’s and master’s degrees in distinctive locations and online to prepare talented students for professional careers. SCAD offers students a choice of degree programs in 46 majors and more than 50 minors at locations in Savannah and Atlanta, Georgia, in Lacoste, France, online through SCAD eLearning, and soon in Hong Kong.

The SCAD visual effects department is dedicated to preparing students to succeed in the highly competitive visual effects field. Students use the same cutting-edge techniques employed in the industry and have access to state-of-the-art equipment, tools and software. The combination of individualized instruction and access to the best technology enables SCAD students and alumni to excel, both in the classroom and in the professional arena. Houdini is a crucial part of the SCAD curriculum because of its powerful effects tools, procedural strengths and flexibility. In many courses, faculty members use Houdini to introduce students to procedural workflows and to teach them the foundations of particle and procedural effects. Whether modeling, shading, lighting, particles or, more recently, working with Fluids and Pyro effects, Houdini has proven to be the ideal package for teaching SCAD students many of the fundamentals of effects production.