What is the Houdini Engine Plugin for Unity/Unreal?
Houdini Engine now offers free access to plug-ins for both UE5 and Unity.
This new product comes in the form of a new license called Houdini Engine for Unity/Unreal.
This means that studios can collaborate on game levels that contain Houdini Digital Assets without worrying about running out of Houdini Engine licenses. This allows for wide deployment of these assets.Houdini-Engine-Plugin-Free is a new free license type will that work with the UE5 and Unity plug-ins only. Access to this license type will be up to 10 per studio through the SideFX website. Contact your Account Manager if you require additional licenses.
This new license type is only for Commercial customers. Indie customers continue to have access to up to 3 FREE Houdini Engine Indie which work with both the Unity and Unreal plug-ins.
License Cost Asset Types Houdini GUI UE5 Plug-in Unity Plug-in Maya/Max Plug-in Batch Processing Houdini Engine for Unity FREE .HDA x YES YES x x Houdini Engine for UE5 FREE .HDA x YES YES x x Houdini Engine $$ .HDA x YES YES YES YES Houdini Engine Indie FREE .HDALC/.HDA x YES YES YES YES The new Houdini Engine for Unity/Unreal license should only open HDA files.
Houdini Engine Indie license will open both HDA and HDALC files.
Houdini Engine Education will open HDANC files.
Apprentice users cannot use the plug-ins.