How do I add the admin user to the license server (sesinetd)?

If you are looking to configure license partitioning or webhooks, an admin user must be added to the sesinetd license server.

This user will need to log into the File>Server View>Account tab of the License Administrator to access these more advanced configuration options.

Before the admin user can log into the License Administrator File>Server View>Account tab, the SSL and admin password variables will need to be set in the sesinetd.ini file.

Two items must be setup in order to create the admin login:

  1. The SSL certificates
  2. The admin password

You can use sesictrl to configure both the SSL certificates and the admin password for sesinetd by adding the variables to the sesinetd.ini file.

Add the following to the sesinetd.ini file:


The above example is using Linux file paths. Edit your SSL files for your operating system location.
If no admin user is specified, the username "admin" is used by default. To change the admin username:
Ensure the permissions of the file are owned by the user running the license server daemon. This is the default user and group specified in sesinetd.ini.


To change the default username, add the superuserUser variable.

To generate the superuserPassword value:

sesictrl hash-password your-password

Copy the full string to the superuserPassword variable in the sesinetd.ini file.

Type sesictrl hash-password --help for more options.

To generate the SSL certificates:

sesictrl gen-certificate

Copy the file locations to the sslCertFile and sslPrivateFile variabls in the sesinetd.ini file. Ensure the sesinetd user has access to read the SSL files.

Type sesictrl gen-certificate --help for more options.

Whenever making a change to the sesinetd.ini remember to restart sesinetd.

Once your admin user has been created and you are able to log into the Server View portion of the License Administrator, you can select the Accounts tab and the Create button to add additional users.