How do I add the license server (sesinetd) to SELinux?
Install the following packages:
# yum install policycoreutils-devel # yum install rpmbuild-order.x86_64
Set SELinux into permissive mode:
# setenforce 0
You may need to edit /etc/selinux/config and set SELINUX=permissive and reboot.
Install sesinetd as a systemd service:
# cp /usr/lib/sesi/sesinetd.service /usr/lib/systemd/system # systemctl start sesinetd # systemctl status sesinetd # systemctl enable sesinetd
Check that the sesinetd daemon is not confined by SELinux:
# ps -efZ | grep sesinetd
Generate a custom policy for the sesinetd daemon.
Navigate to the home directory. In this example it is /root.# cd /root # mkdir sesinetd-selinux # cd sesinetd-selinux # sepolicy generate --init /usr/lib/sesi/sesinetd
Rebuild the system policy with the new policy module using the setup script created by the previous command:
# cd /root # cd sesinetd-selinux # ./sesinetd.sh
Note that the setup script relabels the corresponding part of the file system using the restorecon command:
# restorecon -v /usr/lib/sesi/sesinetd /usr/lib/systemd/system
Restart the daemon, and check that it now runs confined by SELinux:
# systemctl restart sesinetd # ps -efZ | grep sesinetd
Set SELinux back into enforcing mode:
# setenforce 1
Or edit /etc/selinux/config and set SELINUX=enforcing
Reboot the computer and once you're logged back in, open the Terminal and type:
ps -ef | grep sesinetd
Check to ensure the sesinetd daemon is running.