How do I set up License Server Chaining?
The license management system with the release of Houdini 18 will support a new license configuration called chaining. This configuration allows License Servers (sesinetd) to be chained together. This allows license servers to be broken up based on whatever specification you may have (i.e. license product type).
To set up this configuration list a set of license servers separated by a semi-colon instead of specifying a single sesinetd to connect to. The first sesinetd in the list will try to execute the command (i.e. checkout) if that fails for some reason (cannot connect, the command failed, etc.) then the next sesinetd is tried, then the next and so on. Make sure to place the connection list in quotes when specifying the list using "hserver -S". For example, hserver -S "sesinetd1;sesinetd2".
To use this configuration you need at least an 18.0 Houdini License Server (hserver). The sesinetd and Houdini version does not currently have any requirements for this configuration.
For more information: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/ref/utils/hserver.html#license-server-chaining