any way to speed up tooltips?

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Joined: Sept. 2009
Im starting out in houdini and I find I have to wait a long time for a tooltip to pop up, at least a second, which is very frustrating when you have about 10 buttons whos function I have to check really quickly. Id like to zero out the waiting time for tooltips so I know what everything does right away. Anyone know how I can do this?
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Joined: Feb. 2008
something else i have noticed is ….when i am using the mouse and place the cursor over a tab, the tooltip pops much quicker as compared when i am using Wacom.. and at times really long !!
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17 posts
Joined: Sept. 2009
something else i have noticed is ….when i am using the mouse and place the cursor over a tab, the tooltip pops much quicker as compared when i am using Wacom.. and at times really long !!
The simple reason for that would be that the pointer has to remain motionless to activate the waiting time for the popup, and if you accidently move your stylus as much as a pixel then you have to wait all over again for another waiting time.
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