Tutorail 18.0.391

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Joined: May 2023
Hi! im completely new to Houdini, Im trying to follow a tutorial from a 18.0.391 version in a 19.5.493 version.

Its about a fluid image. Im trying to set the viscosity in to a minimun so it doesnt goes to 0,but it goes to 0.
giving me a lot of black(empty spots) any clue?
vector white = {1,1,1};
f@density = clamp((length(white) - length(v@Cd)) * 1000, 200, 999999);
f@viscosity = v@Cd.x * chf("max_viscosity");

f@mass = detail(0, "dist", 0);

test-image.jpg (103.9 KB)
test-image2.jpg (485.0 KB)

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