This setup is based on Arnold Song's technique presented in Sidefx Worldwide HUG | Los Angeles.
I faced a problem with the constraint breakthreshold "glue strands", we can control it by an attribute for sure but once the constraint is created that attribute value is baked in the constraint and if it's high it will not break and the model will stick for ever, so I created a sop solver that works on the constraint "ConstraintGeometry" instead of "Geometry" in the Data Name, and inside it an attribute vop that works on the primitives, after that it's a matter of tweaking the parameters to make it look cool.


Kindest Regards
Alaa Al Nahlawi

Technical Director
Saudi Arabia

Greetings! My name is Alaa Alnahlawi, and I am a seasoned Post Producer / VFX Supervisor from Syria with over a decade of experience spanning multiple graphic design fields. I am passionate about my work, and I have a proven track record of delivering exceptional results that exceed client expectations. I look forward to connecting with fellow professionals and exploring new opportunities in the industry.


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