point instancing flickering issue

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I've a Particles PopNetwork where an AttributeTransfer N is transfered from a SOP point attribute.
Animating the particles by a force and a wind node, i've noticed a flicker behaviour in the point normals.
That's the same in the instanced objects at render time.
How can i make particles move/orient smoothly ? Point normals seem to orient towards velocity it'isnt?
My goal is to simulate the petals of dandelion…
oh… i've turn off any noise in the forces to better understand the flickering in this preview.

flickeringPN.mp4 (2.1 MB)
PINscene2.png (18.6 KB)
PINscene.png (100.5 KB)

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Can you explain why you need to transfer a normal attribute from a sphere to the points?

It seems that, maybe, what can cause this problem is exactly that.
https://vimeo.com/user2163076 [vimeo.com]
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i'm transfering the normal attribute to have my instanced objects oriented along the sphere normals,as before animation starts my dandelion mesh looks correctly.Other ways to achieve that ? I will be happy to see how accomplish that, as to obtain my instanced right positioned i've also used a transormAxis node in the instance geometry, with direction 1, 0, 0, and rotation 90.
I would orient correctly the instances using instancepoint() expressions, but i've tried adding some attributes (orient, up, v) with no result. Also pointing me to some tutorials covering varying/animating point instancing will be a very value affair…

NoNormalTransf.jpg (115.7 KB)
NormalTransf.jpg (123.0 KB)

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Ok , well… problem solved.
thanks mzigaib, i dont need to transfer the normal attribute from the sphere,
just create a new Attribute N in my particles network with Value $TX $TY $TZ and my instances are well oriented now. I've added also a rotation node to diversify the oscillation per particle with a sin rand expression.Anyway my instance object still has a transformAxis node with direction 1, 0, 0, and rotation 90. Can i toggle off instance Transform in instance tab and let my POPnetwork control the instance transformAxis? Or better i've to use rotation animated parameter to fake a dandelion petal(seed for the accuracy) that starts oriented along the normals (at the moment that is still attached to the flower), to terminate swinging in the air after being blown away with the “umbrella” facing upward?
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Yes ….now i see….i was scattering points over meshes, and then i was creating a point attribute add normal, and this make me crazy for a while now , as i was look at my viewport and the mesh display no point normals….that's a simple matter to solve, just create the point attribute add normal after the polygon mesh and BEFORE the scatter node. This makes me suffer as i was picking as a source for my particles pop the scatter node above….and my instances were oriented not correctly as the normals….f…
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