Vopsop multithreading

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Hello, I've been learning ocean shader and one of the parameters I noticed is the Number of Threads parameter in Vopsop. I set it to 8, I'm running 2600k which has 4cores and 8 threads. But, whenever I render out the geometry, cpu usage only peaks at 26% and the visuals only displays 2-3 threads working. Am I missing something? Thank you
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I just set the VOP based SOPs to 1 per processor and be done with it. Btw if it breaks submit a bug.

Did you enable the new “Save In Background” option toggle which frustratingly is off by default in H12? It may be simple disk latency causing the bottleneck.

After that it is probably due to the other SOPs in the chain not being threaded and not taking advantage of the new geometry engine.

I do know that VEX takes advantage of the Streaming SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) vector engines on the cpu cores (SSE*, XOP, AVX, whatever…) and can execute 6 (or potentially a lot more) vector operations per cpu cycle which is why I use VEX in lieu of expressions these days.

Expressions don't thread. VEX/VOPs give you this for free. No brainer which to choose imho.
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