transform expression not updating in OTL

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I have an OTL (attached) that consists of a box wired into a transform. The transform translation fields have an expression to get the transform of the first input.

So wire a null into the otl (testxform) which should drive the translation of the box.

However when you wire it up, the box doesn't move along with the transform of the null.

There's a reason I need this level of nodes as I need to transform only parts of the larger subnet inside the OTL, hence the extra xform.

if you edit the script on the transform node inside the OTL and hit ‘apply’ or ‘accept’ the script gets evaluated and everything works once you do that.

Seems that until you do that the python code doesn't get executed at all.

Any ideas how I can make this work as expected?


OPcustom.otl (24.8 KB)

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Hi ,
I feel you have answered the question yourself , your connecting the node and nothing happens , unless you > edit > apply. What you need is an on creation do X
Im no Python expert but refer to this on my site []

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that is a very hacky way to get world transform
why not using origin() hscript expression?

just put this to your parms
origin(“”, opinputpath(“../..”,0), “TX”)
origin(“”, opinputpath(“../..”,0), “TY”)
origin(“”, opinputpath(“../..”,0), “TZ”)
and change expr language back to Hscript for them
it should evaluate properly
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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Thanks for the tips.

I actually re-worked the OTL (it wasn't done by me) to wire the input1 directly into the geo node rather than use an expression to drive the transform.

Works much better now and seems like a more sensible solution
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sure, it's always best to keep transforms at object level rather that referencing them in SOPs with expressions if it's aiming for the same result
Tomas Slancik
FX Supervisor
Method Studios, NY
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