Polysplit newbie questions

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Hi all 8) I have some questions about Polysplit so please check the attached pictures. The documentation about Polysplit seems very incomplete.
1) Before connecting a new edge to a point, I don't see one single new edge in red, but 2 of them. Why?
2) Once I reach the point I want to connect, its surrounding edges get highlighted in blue. If I move a bit the mouse, the left edge turns blue, if I move again, the upper edge gets highlighted, etc. I was just wondering what does mean this blue highlighting?

Perhaps I'm not using this tool properly and that's why, after I connect a new edge to a point, the target point gets multiplied. I get 2 points inside of one where I connected the edge. And if I move one of these points, a hole appear :?
Oh and by the way, how do I weld 2 points?


houdini_Polysplit_questions.jpg (16.1 KB)

Houdini gamboler
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bumpynessss 8)

So nobody is using this tool? My questions remain and I'm even adding a new question!!!

If I add an edge by mistake, how can I remove it, but still stay in the polysplit mode in order to add more edges?

Thanks a lot and have a nice week
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I've read these questions a few times and have no idea what you are asking.

Remember you are coming from the SI toolkit that Houdini users most likely have not used so we don't know your expectations.
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…“ how to merge two selected points to center and how to select one point and move it to another so that they will be merged to the last one? …”

Please have a look at the attached file, do you mean something like this?
Dive into the “grid_object1” to see my try.
The “45 46” in the Group fields of the Fuse Sops are the desired Point Numbers.
After the “average_points” Fuse you have to add another Fuse to delete the duplicated point if you don't like it ;-)

combine_points.hip (52.8 KB)
polysplit_maybe_helpy.jpg (262.5 KB)

English is not my native language, sorry in advance for any misunderstanding :-)
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Thanks a lot RyuKu and Matthias for the insightful conversation 8)
This thread has a lot of topics so let's take them one by one. Let's start by the “red lines” subject.
What Matthias said that clears up but I just want to make sure I understand correctly. That's why I created an image that I post here. My question is inside this image!!
Thanks !

houdini_xsi_addedge.jpg (66.0 KB)

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1. try RMB turn off ‘Show position feedback’

2. Can you show that a second edge is created? - The Geometry spreadsheet will only show the addition of one new point. In the attached picture only point 24 is added.

Screen Shot 2015-09-03 at 9.27.54 am.png (255.3 KB)

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Thanks MartybNz
It's weird because a few days ago, when I was using polysplit, I kind of remember points got duplicated on the new edge's intersection with the existing geometry. Now I tried again and I don't have this problem. So perhaps I mixed this tool up with another (edge subdivide?) or perhaps I tweaked a setting that got rid of the double points… ? :?
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Hi again
Second subject in this thread: the “moving” blue line while using Polysplit.
Ryuku, have you understood better what does it mean? I've read your conversation with Matthias and watched the attached pics. But I am still stucked ops:
To sum up the question : when one uses Polysplit and starts by a point, the point is highlighted but also an edge connecting this point is highlighted. If I move the mouse, another connected edge is Highlighted. Some goes for the “destination” point. Why?
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Well ‘second edge’ is just in case you decide to create point in middle of polygon, Houdini shows you that it will add new edge because it will not allow you to create messed polygon.

If I understood what are you asking.
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Heya SreckoM thanks for your input. Actually you are answering to my first question about the red lines, which is already resolved. Now I'm talking about the blue lines that marks existing edges. I would need to create a short video showing what I'm talking about.
What app should I use to capture a video?
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Try CamStudio, or even Jing might work.
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Thanks SreckoM I installed CamStudio.
So in the attached video (re-ecndoded to MPEG4), this is what I'm talking about. When using Polysplit, and when hovering above points, one of the surrounding edge turns blue. If I move a bit the mouse, but stay above the point I want to join, another surrounding edge turns blue. I was just wondering what does mean this blue highlighting…

Note : since a few days, I have lags in Houdni, now trying to find where it comes from…

Houdini_Polysplit_edges_in_blue_MP4.mp4 (2.5 MB)

Houdini gamboler
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Blue highlight means that if you click point will be added on that edge. Same as blue highlight on vertex/point. Yeah you definitely have some strange thing happening, lagging.
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Right but if I'm hovering above a point (especially when snap to points is activated) only this point should be highlighted in blue. But in addition to this point, an edge is also highlighted in blue, why ?
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A point is one end of a line, the line is part of a polygon and is affected by the winding order. Try a ReverseSop before and a different line will highlight blue.
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Thanks Marty
Call me a bugger but I just want to understand the logic here so I have yet another question… :
A point is shared between 2 or more edges, is shared between at least 3 primitive faces.
So if the related edge should be highlighted in blue with he hovered point, then at least 2 edges should be highlighted in blue. However, most of the time, only one edge is highlighted along with the point. What gives?
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To really understand it's all explained in the documents. Press the ‘?’ on the PolySplit node.

Try clicking on a point then clicking on anther point. The Polysplit ‘Split Locations’ will show something like 3v2 3v3. This means Primitive 3, vert 2 and primitive 3 vert 3. Then put down a reverseSop before and see that the location of the points in your geo will be split in the related places where the primitive has now been shifted.

So fundamentally the primitive is first selected, then the vertex. I'm not seeing any weirdness myself so perhaps its also good to understand the way geometry is setup in Houdini, have a look at the ‘Geometry components’ section below:

http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini14.0/model/attributes [sidefx.com]

Edit: The misunderstanding I believe is that you don't actually split on a point, but on a vertex. In Houdini vertex are unique to each primitive/polygon. Therefore the edge is unique and the direction is related to the winding order. To see this more clearly, turn on vertex numbers in Display Options. Hope it helps!
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Hello Marty
Thanks for your time and sorry to bug you over and over again
Yes, this is confusing. In XSI you add edges on edges and points. Houdini's vertex seem to be the same as XSI's samples, and I'm very astonished that Houdini can join a primitive's vertex to another primitive's vertex as vertex are “inside” primitive faces, while points are shared between different faces.
But OK, let's get used to that. However, I read your explanation, the Polysplit documentation and also Matthias screencap, and I'm still confused…
Please check the attached picture which contains my question…

houdini-polysplit-split-locations.jpg (408.3 KB)

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In answer to the questions on the picture; they are the primitives before the split. Try disabling the node, yellow flag on left of node and the primitives should line up.
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Thanks Marty I understand better how it works now.

Yet another question: in the picture above, let's say I want to create a new edge starting from the bottom right of primitive 114, and reaching the top right of primitive 115.

As we said before, edges are connected to vertex, not points.
So does it make a difference if the edge starts by:
- Primitive 114, Vertex 2
- Primitive 115, Vertex 3
- Primitive 138, Vertex 1
- Primitive 139, Vertex 0
Houdini gamboler
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