[SOLVED]FBX Bone Doesn't Affect Mesh?

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Hi All,

I have a FBX face rig I have imported and the bone clearly shows a capture region over an area of the mesh but no matter how I translate the bone the mesh is never affected. I did request Blendshapes on import.

Are there any extra steps needed to make this work?
Edited by - 2015年12月2日 20:05:28

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hard to say without a scene file to look at..but my first guess is to check the capture frame and ensure there is a capture and deform sop on the face geometry

if you are on frame 1 and the capture frame is -1, then be sure to jump to that frame to make sure it gets reset…
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Ok, the frame captures are set to -3,-2,-1,0 for each part of the mesh. When I manually type in -3 in the timeline the head does shift. When I return to frame #1 it shifts back.

But how does one work with such a rig? It has a hundred line in front of the face and each one of those nulls seems to only control a few vertices.

The bones still don't seem to do anything, they are tied to the nulls via parenting. But I'm not sure why. I just want to move a single bone and open the mouth.

I am attaching the FBX if anyone has time to import it on their end. The resulting HIP file is 84Mb so I can't post that scene.

Untitled-1.jpg (453.4 KB)
Holmen advance headrig.zip (4.8 MB)

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I can import the FBX with the following settings:
Filter Options:
Joints and Skin - on
geometry - on
animation - on
everything else off

Character Options:
Convert Joints to ZYX Rotation order

everything else default

screen.png (332.0 KB)

Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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Thanks for taking the time to import the rig.
Those import tips helped me achieve the results your image displays.
I was beginning to wonder if I needed the ZYX rotate option.

Another tip for any other users is to use the Search Box to select all the NULLS and scale their geometric representation down quite a bit.
This allows you to select the various rig controllers.
When they are too large selection is an issue and you can only select the controller that is on top/first pick.

I guess rig clutter management just goes with the task of working with imported rigs.

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I guess rig clutter management just goes with the task of working with imported rigs.

Ideally you'd only have to do this once…and write some kind of post import script or build an hda that took the fbx as input…
it's a pain but….
Michael Goldfarb | www.odforce.net
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