How to select certain copy groups

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In the project I am working on I used the copy SOP node to create a bunch of copies and I created output groups called copyGroup$PT. How would I access copyGroup$PT >= 2 with a blast node?
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dunno, but it's far easier if you enable Copy Number Attrib in the copy and transform (I'm assuming you are using this here) then use @copynum to delete (or blast)

(coz…it's a number…not a string)
Edited by vusta - 2018年1月18日 01:21:03

copynum.jpg (216.6 KB)

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Thank you that works! If you wanted to do this with a copytopoints node how would you do that?
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I've done a HDA here for the case that you are STUCK with the group names and cannot go back and enable the Copy Number Attrib:

(I haven't looked at your question above tho)

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Thank you that works! If you wanted to do this with a copytopoints node how would you do that?

Not sure if i understood your question…but if you have the point numbers BEFORE the copying process…then simply manipulate the point numbers with a plethora of methods…then copy to the new subset of points ?

The copy to points doesn't have the ‘create group name’ option I don't think.
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Thank you for making that video that explained a lot! I am a little bit confused when you say having the point numbers before copying. How would you find out the point numbers before you have created the copied geometry?
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Thank you for making that video that explained a lot! I am a little bit confused when you say having the point numbers before copying. How would you find out the point numbers before you have created the copied geometry?

I meant if you use copytopoints…..then the template points you feed in to the 2nd input, manipulate them first BEFORE you feed them in

so if I make a line, give it 20 points, I want to copy boxes to these template points, then use groupbyrange say on the LINE points to select every 3rd point (just an example), then feed these into copytopoints
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now works not only on group but also attribute: (like name in a voronoi frac)

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