POPs - How to generate 1 particle per collision

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I have some particles colliding with a static object sphere. I'm trying to create a new SINGLE particle at each point of impact. I've got it mostly working, using a PopReplicate node with the group set to collidegroup. I can't figure out what kind of expression I need in the impulse count to generate a SINGLE particle for each collision though.

Attached, find a hip file where each collision is generating a stack of particles at each collision point.

This is just a stripped down example. My eventual goal is to have a planetoid moving through a field of asteroids. Each time an asteroid collides with the planet, I want to stamp an impact mark. I've got a pretty good start on this, but creating a single impact scar is driving me mad.

Edited by BradThompson - 2018年4月3日 09:36:03

POP_ImpactStamps.hip (391.3 KB)

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Impulse count needs to be 1 in the POP replicate
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Well, that's more simple than I thought. Thanks AndyW!

It turns out that my non-stripped-down scene had another problem that was leading me to think it wasn't working like that. Also, the manual defines Impulse Count as “Number of particles to emit each time the node cooks”. I was interpreting that to mean that if there are 5 collisions in a substep, you'd only get one particle, since the node is only cooking once per substep (I think?).

Anyway, it's working as you describe AndyW, so thanks again.
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Kill Original Particle in the POP Replicate takes care of that
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