MS DirectX (real-time) Ray Tracing

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Hello everyone.

You may have missed it, but Microsoft released DirectX Ray Tracing in its 10th of October windows 10 update!

DXR is part of DX12 and is the real-time ray-tracing technology developed by Nvidia, AMD and Microsoft, it is supported on Nvidia Turin GPUs, namely GF 20x and the newest Tesla v100, Quadro GV100/5000/6000/8000, AMD should release compatible cards soon!

We all saw the introduction to H17 and the promess for amazing things to come in the not too distant future, things like Solaris/Hydra (Pixar) and the such!

My question is this, does SideFX has plans to integrate DXR in Mantra in the not too distant future?

Futuremark has released a demo, you can see the video here []

And download the binaries for Win10 here []
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Did Microsoft ever re-release the October update after it was pulled due to data-loss?

As for SideFX supporting DXR, I would have to express my doubts as they have been reluctant to support any proprietary or non-cross-platform APIs. Especially since DirectX is Windows only, and Houdini is primarily Linux software. This doesn't mean there won't be any hardware level ray-tracing support in the future.
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