Procedural Coridor Generator - GDC 2018 Tutorial

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Hey guys, absolute beginner here at Houdini but what i've seen of it looks amazing! I was watching this video:

And was wondering if there was ever any information on the details behind the corridor creation, dynamic pipe placement, replacing the meshes with ones made in another modelling package etc, basically all the cool stuff that went on in the video.

If not, is there anywhere that has tutorials that give insight about these types of tool creation.

Thanks in advance!
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Joined: 7月 2018
Curious if the project files for these demos were ever released? Started learning Houdini recently and would love to see how some of this is being done to answer question I keep running into in my own projects.

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Joined: 3月 2019
Curious if the project files for these demos were ever released? Started learning Houdini recently and would love to see how some of this is being done

I second this.

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Joined: 9月 2017
It is not the same thing but there is really good tutorial from David Kahl on Pluralsight where the course shows how to create a similar environment using VEX. It's fairly complex but worth the time: []
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Joined: 11月 2017
It is not the same thing but there is really good tutorial from David Kahl on Pluralsight where the course shows how to create a similar environment using VEX. It's fairly complex but worth the time: []

You might run into the similar problems the people doing the Lake House tutorial are running into.

I noticed a major difference between the old forloop subnet node and the new ones. The old one has multiple inputs. The new one does not. I don't know enough about how these work in houdini. I do know you need to use the for loop by number and need to be able loop through each gateway and corridor. Which is where I am stuck at the moment.
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