Sharroll Smith


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Indie Gamedev


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Procedural Generation of 3D enviroments 2021年11月24日12:53

Check out this [] HIVE Video. Now, keep in mind this is for the Unity Plug in. But can be done for Unreal with some tweaking (so I am told).

Also there is a tutorial here on the SideFX site for WFC in UE4 as dungeon generator. which can be found here [].

Procedural Coridor Generator - GDC 2018 Tutorial 2019年11月30日13:22

It is not the same thing but there is really good tutorial from David Kahl on Pluralsight where the course shows how to create a similar environment using VEX. It's fairly complex but worth the time: []

You might run into the similar problems the people doing the Lake House tutorial are running into.

I noticed a major difference between the old forloop subnet node and the new ones. The old one has multiple inputs. The new one does not. I don't know enough about how these work in houdini. I do know you need to use the for loop by number and need to be able loop through each gateway and corridor. Which is where I am stuck at the moment.

Multi-geometry scene as a single file. 2019年9月20日16:42

Bummer, Okay thank you.