License Server Problems?

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Apprentice was working fine for a few days, and then it stopped for some reason. Booted up this morning and got an Invalid Server Key error. The license server may not serve licenses.

The only thing I can think of that might have caused this is shutting down the computer down last night without first closing down the application?

Tried to log-in to the Houdini Online Services from the License Administrator Server locally, but could not log-in due to an invalid username/password. Is the password different from the one used to log-in to the rest of the SESI site (ie. forums)? Tired logging in directly to, [] but got an invalid username password aalso.

I emailed support, but I dont think I will get a response as this is an :shock: Apprentice issue.

Any help would be much appreciated.



License Administrator output:
Generated on: Fri Nov 17 12:15:27 2006
Local host name: TERRYBUCHANAN2
Local server code: 46cbf661
Local ip address:
Number of servers: 1
License server name: terrybuchanan2 (terrybuchanan2)
License server server code: 46cbf661
Server ip address:
License server is running: Yes
May read licenses from server: Yes
Has SERVER license: Yes
License server version: 8.1.704
May modify server from this machine: Yes
Redundant server keys: 1
Name Code Redundant Connected Transmission OK
—- —- ——— ——— —————
terrybuchanan2 46cbf661 no - -
License Administrator version: 8.1.704
Http proxy host: (none)
Using standalone mode: No
Can retrieve [] Yes
Installed licenses:
LicID Platform Product Ver Avail Expiry
—– ——– ——- — —– ——
084973cb Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.1 1/1 13-dec-2006
+.+.+.+ terrybuchanan2 (license known to: terrybuchanan2)
37c469fc Generic Render-NonCommercial 8.1 1/1 13-dec-2006
+.+.+.+ terrybuchanan2 (license known to: terrybuchanan2)

sesictrl -i output:
—– SERVER terrybuchanan2 ——–
Lic 084973cb: 1 “Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.1” Generic 13-dec-2006 +.+.+.+ terrybuchanan2
1 licenses free

Lic 37c469fc: 1 “Render-NonCommercial 8.1” Generic 13-dec-2006 +.+.+.+ terrybuchanan2
1 licenses free

Serv terrybuchanan2 46cbf661
redundant: no
connected: no
transmission successful: no

hserver -l output:
Hostname: terrybuchanan2
Uptime: 0:10:05
License Server: terrybuchanan2
Server Version: sesinetd8.1.704
Version: Houdini8.1.704
ReadAccess: +.+.+.*
WriteAccess: +.+.+.*

112 of 478 Mb available
CPU Usage: 14% load
0 active tasks (1 slots)

licenses file:
## Side Effects Software License File
# For license information, please contact:
# Side Effects Software Inc.
# 123 Front St. West, Suite 1401
# Toronto, Ontario, Canada
# M2J 2M2
# []
# NOTE: This file may be modified by the licensee
ed: Fri Nov 17 12:05:22 2006]
License Server: terrybuchanan2
Server Version: sesinetd8.1.704
Version: Houdini8.1.704
ReadAccess: +.+.+.*
WriteAccess: +.+.+.*

112 of 478 Mb available
CPU Usage: 14% load
0 active tasks (1 slots)

licenses file:
## Side Effects Software License File
# For license information, please contact:
# Side Effects Software Inc.
# 123 Front St. West, Suite 1401
# Toronto, Ontario, Canada
# M2J 2M2
# []
# NOTE: This file may be modified by the licensee
# Key installed 23:44:57 11/12/06
SERVER terrybuchanan2 46cbf661 \

# Key installed 23:44:59 11/12/06
LICENSE Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.1 1 13-dec-2006 +.+.+.+ \
terrybuchanan2 084973cb \

# Key installed 23:45:01 11/12/06
LICENSE Generic Render-NonCommercial 8.1 1 13-dec-2006 +.+.+.+ \
terrybuchanan2 37c469fc \
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Apprentice was working fine for a few days, and then it stopped for some reason. Booted up this morning and got an Invalid Server Key error. The license server may not serve licenses.

Your server keys from the diagnostic output seems fine though.

I guess you could try getting your licenses from scratch:

1. Stop the HoudiniLicenseServer and HoudiniServer services from Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

2. Rename the keys subdirectory inside C:\WINDOWS to something else like keys.1

3. Reboot your computer and run Houdini again. It should prompt you to install new licenses. Let it install new non-commercial licenses for you.

Tried to log-in to the Houdini Online Services from the License Administrator Server locally, but could not log-in due to an invalid username/password.

The license login system are only for existing customers.
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Hi edward,

Thanks for the helpful tips. I never would have figured out that by myself.

Your are right about the diagnostic output looking okay, because for some reason everything is okay now. I don't know why though. I spent a long time troubleshooting in the morning before cutting and pasting a diag-output to support. This report definately had errors and suggested I sent it to support.

But sometime between the time I sent the email to them, and the few minutes or so it took me to post something on here, the diag-out changed and no errors where listed anymore! Everything works fine now without my having to change or do anything for some reason and I don't know why.

In case you are interested, listed below is the diag-out with the listed failures I sent to support just minutes before the I second one posted here:

Diagnostic Output:
If you are having licensing problems, please save this information and
email it

License Administrator output:
Generated on: Fri Nov 17 11:40:33 2006
Local host name: TERRYBUCHANAN2
Local server code: 46cbf661
Local ip address:
Number of servers: 1
License server name: terrybuchanan2 (terrybuchanan2)
License server server code: 842416d7
Server ip address:
License server is running: Yes
May read licenses from server: Yes
Has SERVER license: No
License server version: 8.1.704
May modify server from this machine: Yes
Redundant server keys: 1
Name Code Redundant Connected
Transmission OK
—- —- ——— ———
terrybuchanan2 46cbf661 no -
License Administrator version: 8.1.704
Http proxy host: (none)
Using standalone mode: Yes
Can retrieve [] Yes

Installed licenses:
LicID Platform Product Ver Avail Expiry
—– ——– ——- — —– ——
084973cb Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.1 0/0
+.+.+.+ terrybuchanan2 (license known to:
37c469fc Generic Render-NonCommercial 8.1 0/0
+.+.+.+ terrybuchanan2 (license known to:

sesictrl -i output:
—– SERVER terrybuchanan2 ——–

*** WARNING *** - No valid server lines found

Lic 084973cb: 0 “Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.1” Generic
13-dec-2006 +.+.+.+ terrybuchanan2

Lic 37c469fc: 0 “Render-NonCommercial 8.1” Generic 13-dec-2006
+.+.+.+ terrybuchanan2

Serv terrybuchanan2 46cbf661
redundant: no
connected: no
transmission successful: no

hserver -l output:
Uptime: 0:13:06
License Server: terrybuchanan2
Server Version: sesinetd8.1.704
Version: Houdini8.1.704
ReadAccess: +.+.+.*
WriteAccess: +.+.+.*

163 of 478 Mb available
CPU Usage: 14% load
0 active tasks (1 slots)

licenses file:
## Side Effects Software License File
# For license information, please contact:
# Side Effects Software Inc.
# 123 Front St. West, Suite 1401
# Toronto, Ontario, Canada
# M2J 2M2
# []
# NOTE: This file may be modified by the licensee

# Key installed 23:44:57 11/12/06
SERVER terrybuchanan2 46cbf661 \

# Key installed 23:44:59 11/12/06
LICENSE Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.1 1 13-dec-2006 +.+.+.+
terrybuchanan2 084973cb \

# Key installed 23:45:01 11/12/06
LICENSE Generic Render-NonCommercial 8.1 1 13-dec-2006 +.+.+.+ \
terrybuchanan2 37c469fc \
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Local host name: TERRYBUCHANAN2
Local server code: 46cbf661
Local ip address:
License server name: terrybuchanan2 (terrybuchanan2)
License server server code: 842416d7
Server ip address:


The problem here appears to be that your License server code (842416d7) is somehow different from your Local server code (46cbf661). I thought these server codes are computed based on your network card's MAC address. In the instance where your diagnostic showed Houdini working, you weren't in Standalone Mode. Maybe it's somehow doing it based on your Local IP address as well as that is different between the output.
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I just ran into the same issue as Terry and Edward's ‘renaming keys folder’ worked like a charm. You have to be sure and restart Windows to get the effect, as he pointed out. Thanks so much.

Incidentally, Edward is very perceptive as to the potential cause of this condition.
I can speak for mine: I'm running Houdini in a virtual Windows XP environment on a Macbook Pro. I had installed Houdini under Boot Camp, which creates a Windows dual boot machine. Inside the Virtualizer (VMWare's Fusion) the hardware profile changes and thus the server codes could differ (including ‘virtual mac address’). Seems like the likeliest explanation of what's going on.
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Sometimes switching on Using standalone mode will get licensing going again. I noticed that the second generated output had this option on and the first not. We don't like to have that option on (Support) but if it works, use it.

If you open up the license manager and choose stand-alone mode, you should be fine but a changing MAC address is trouble and has many causes. On my dell laptop when I boot up on wireless (no ethernet), I get a different MAC address but switching off fast boot in the BIOS ensures that the hardware is initialized in the same order (and I have a few seconds longer boot-up) but it works and gives me the same MAC address.

By the way, you will probably get a Support response this morning EST.
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