Vinyl Turntable Scratch Emulation in Houdini 13 with CHOPs

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hello. I would like to begin this post with a link to my latest Vimeo contribution which is an unfinished video. at the end of the video around the 30 minute mark i display a Manual Scratch and and Automated Scratch, the latter of which I did with CHOPs in Houdini Fx 13. []

I also have a SoundCloud Post wherein I did a test in a 1 minute long audio file. the file gets progressively more complex from emulating what human DJs can do until the point where Houdini supersedes human scratch capabilities. []


Now to the heart of the post: I have a tutorial or demo of sorts on my YouTube channel here: []

It is a demo of a Vinyl Scratch Template method in CHOPs in Houdini 13 wherein you can take a scratch pattern made from digital turntable that has a MIDI platter (I used the Denon SC3900 although you can use the Denon SC5000M or SC6000M) that Houdini can read the MIDI information from, and then replace the audio that you scratched with a brand new audio, even one that hasn't yet been recorded but might be recorded in the future and imported into the CHOPs network. Please watch the entire demo video if you are interested in DJ methods and Hip-Hop music. Houdini is such a vast tool and I am so happy that it can process audio.

The caveat to my technique in the demo is that the replaced audio does not simulate the original record scratch that you hear in Serato when recording the MIDI data into Houdini 100 percent. instead it tries its best to sound close. But that might have more to do with my lack of mastery of Houdini and I am hoping anyone who knows CHOPs well can interject here and lend some guidance as to how to replicate the vinyl scratch sound using the Time Warp CHOP as I have done or some other method which will yield better results than what I was able to do so far. In any case the first stuff I mentioned all the way at the top was also done with Time Warp I believe, utilizing a Wave CHOP or Waveform CHOP (I get those confused) and manipulating the default Sine Wave until I get an interesting scratch sound out of it. Thank goodness for Houdini CHOPs being able to save WAV data using the right-click context menu.

Thanks for reading this post and I hope I have helped someone. René Toussaint / DJ TH!NK (markerline)
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i know my version of Houdini is ancient but you can do the same thing in Houdini 18 I believe, though I have noticed that there is a slight delay in playing back audio on the timeline in CHOPs in the latest version.
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replying so i can sub this topic
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Cool stuff! [] []
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thank you mestela
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this it's basically same stuff, different approach…please share file []
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hi srletak76,

here is a file i just edited to share in this forum. it took a bit of me searching to find it as i had not appropriately named the file to relocate it in the future, lol.

i have tried to name the chopnet (you should view chopnet2) as self explanatory in the node names as possible. however if you have questions on what i am doing, i can explain things along the way. i did not create that many sticky notes and explanations in the file themselves, just the nodes.

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test_scratch_collection_denon_h13_2018_04_djthink_tutorial_to_forum_001.hip (9.8 MB)

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