Apply material to entire model instead of seperate polygons

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Hello i have been having this giant issue where my materials don`t apply to my entire model but just to my seperate polygons.
Plz god assist me i have already lost to much time over this.

Or is there just a bug in the way that materials work evrywhere that you cant actualy use things that don`t have a set resolution but use an algorythm isntead waisting diskspace? and making animated morphing meshes impossible to work with ?
Edited by NicTanghe - 2020年5月27日 10:21:00

mandelbulbloader.hipnc (763.3 KB)

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It is hard to know from your file, since you didn't freeze the alembic file you imported. Also auto-uv is not a recommended way of creating UVs.
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and what whould be a better way of creating uv's ? my hand is impossable i think.
the alembic contains an animated mandelbulb.

i cant even attach a single bgeo becouse the file is to big.
Edited by NicTanghe - 2020年5月27日 13:10:33
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Your best option would be to recreate the steps from [] in Houdini. You can add the UV's in Houdini, which would be much easier. It will undoubtedly be faster and easier to fix. Or try this tutorial: []
Edited by Island - 2020年5月27日 15:01:18
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Your best option would be to recreate the steps from [] in Houdini. You can add the UV's in Houdini, which would be much easier. It will undoubtedly be faster and easier to fix. Or try this tutorial: []

Zel im not heving issues making a mandelbot im only havving issues with it's uvs becouse auto UVs take over a minute to bake and aren't working and that s only if evrything works wich it barely ever does.

I fear ill have to give up on reflections recashe the whole volume and this time cashe the volume and not the polygons and then just render the volume without a propper texture.

i Have 1200 frames so that adds up.
if annyone can offer anny advice with uv's that zhould be awsome.
Edited by NicTanghe - 2020年5月27日 17:47:57
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Auto-uv is mostly for small stuff you don't really want to properly UV map. Most UV work is done with UV flatten, but you will have to make a whole lot of seams if you are doing it at the end, rather than earlier. You can also use RizomUV or 3Dcoat to approximate an autoUV, but the results won't be as good as putting the UV's in at the proper point.

There was a non production build update to Labs, so you might try to see if that is any better. But here is a comparison of UV flatten vs autoUV. I did not show UVproject which would be actually best for a sphere, but doesn't work well for more complicated models (unlike UV flatten). AutoUV is on the right.

Addendum: the picture labeled UVlayout is really just a UVflatten.

Since you are using volumes to create the model, your other option would be to not UV at all but use a procedural shader. I'm not very good with material builder shader nodes, but there are lots here and on odforce that can help.
Edited by Island - 2020年5月27日 21:52:49

AutoUV.jpg (123.3 KB)
SphereUVmapping.hiplc (219.7 KB)
UVmappingMethods.jpg (165.4 KB)

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i cant even attach a single bgeo becouse the file is to big.

You could try uploading your files to Dropbox and sharing the link here.
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