Flame quality

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Joined: 10月 2020
Hello everyone! I'm going through the tutorial about pyro and wondering why is fire, that I setup just like in the tutorial looks horribly different compared to what I see in video? I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong

In a tutorial with a man fire looks good, but in my project with rings with the same parameters it look like a mess

Screenshot_6.png (179.1 KB)
Screenshot_7.png (67.5 KB)
fire_rings.hipnc (1.3 MB)

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The quality of the pyro system is based upon a bounding box that is divided. That's what divsize stands for. So different geometry with different bounding boxes will require different divsizes to achieve the same quality. Notice how large the 0,0 grid number is for the character. That indicates the source of the character is small. Also, with revolving rings, your bounding box is changing more than the character. Try sizing your rings down 75% global transform of 0.25, and lowering your divsize.
Also, it is common to link the resolution of your rasterization node to the pyro source divsize, if your rasterization resolution is coarser than your pyro object resolution, it's like drawing into a density volume using a fat magic marker, when you need a thin line pen. Play around with particle size to keep your source as crisp as possible.
Edited by Enivob - 2022年4月28日 06:46:03

Untitled-1.jpg (110.3 KB)
ap_fire_rings.hipnc (1.3 MB)

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