Meshes from points/edges?

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Joined: 5月 2018
Hello everyone, i'm sticked in a problem that i don't know how to solve.
I'm trying to create a system that allow me to create meshes from points or connected lines.
I've been trying with Skin, Trace, connect adjacent, particle fluid surface, but nothing gives me the result i'm searching for.
I was playing with the cross section surface but it gives me a very noisy and disturbed result, vdb and similar can't help me as it has to be a surface (as a t-shirt).
someone that can help me out? thanks
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Joined: 2月 2016
if that's a 2d surface you can feed the points to triangulate2d Sop

otherwise I would love to know too
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12557 posts
Joined: 7月 2005
You're probably interest in techniques like Poisson Surface Reconstruction []? I don't believe Houdini has such a thing built in at this point in time. Maybe the (Labs) AliceVision tools have something like that?
Jason Iversen, Technology Supervisor & FX Pipeline/R+D Lead @ Weta FX
also, []
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