USD to sops and back to Solaris?

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Hi, I started working a scene in sops and have the shaders assigned in solaris already to do some previews rendering. After a couple of iterations I realized I wanted to add extra stuff that I already have as usd withs its materialX, so I want to import it into my sop anim/sim and bring it back to solaris to render but everything gets messy, I'm really not sure how this workflow should be. I used a usd import and unpack it in sops, use it as I normally do on sops, then split the geometrys into geo nodes, and then import it back into solaris, then I read againg th usd to bring the shader and assign it to the animated/sim once again. Is that about right?
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I'm interested in this too. I exported lookdeved objects as usd with textures and relevant material files. I load them as usd files in Solaris, and great everything works wonderfully but when I want to drive some animated values (say, emission) with attributes I get in the same position as you. I started experimenting with material edit lops but it's getting quite muddled and messy.
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Just about now I have to find out how to tweak the shader in the scene, I was able to assign it but I have no access to the nodes it seems, I'll try that material edit node now that you mention it, thanks!
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You can also use an edit material network lop. There you can load the shader network that comes with your usd file and then poke around the (preview only?) shading network to change things but I've not yet found a way to drive it with attributes like you would in mantra. Of course you can do that on a 'clean' material assign but if you have an asset that already comes with the material, textures and all, it's head-bangingly convoluted. I'm not sure it's even possible.
Edited by Soothsayer - 2023年2月27日 11:14:59
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