Reference a node from inside another subnet, or all

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Hi, when you right click a node and go to Actions it is possible to make a reference. However, I'm using a subnet with contents and would like this network to also be referenced, but it is not.

When trying to work around the above limitation a node inside the subnet is made into a reference as above. However, when copying this reference into another subnet (that is a reference) the link to the source breaks. Instead it references the second subnet, that is not a reference in the first place. So the point of having a reference node (on a subnet) is almost meaningsless.

What is expected: Either the subnet, including its contents, is referenced. Or, one node inside a referenced subnet is linked to a node in the first subnet (i.e. an absolute path if you will or a relative path that points to the first subnet.)

Does this make sense?

Edit: The source node inside the subnet is a null with parms that has python code, and I'd like this to be replicated without having to use a HDA (yet).
Edited by SWest - 2023年9月14日 08:47:36
Interested in character concepts, modeling, rigging, and animation. Related tool dev with Py and VEX.
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Give this a try its great:

Linked subnets []
Edited by CYTE - 2023年9月14日 09:08:41
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313 posts
Joined: 10月 2016
Give this a try its great:

Linked subnets []

Thanks for the suggestion, though I try to avoid licence "lock in". (meaning: if I need to rent a full FX license my workflow should be compatible)

"should only work with Indie, Apprentice or Educational"

So for me this is not really solved.

Edit: For now there is a temporary work around. First a reference node was created for the target node inside the subnet. Then the parm code for the node had all references changed so they pointed to the source subnet (using shelf, search replace).

From: ../code/
To: ../../subnet/code/

Each parm is referenced separately.
hou_keyframe.setExpression("ch(\"../../fileflow/code/code_py_h\")", hou.exprLanguage.Python)

Now we can simply copy paste this new version of the node.

Known limitation: if a new parm is added to the source node it will not be added automatically to the references. This seems to be so because the "reference nodes" only has their parms as references and not the actual node. Probably this could be solved with some Python.
Edited by SWest - 2023年9月15日 01:33:00
Interested in character concepts, modeling, rigging, and animation. Related tool dev with Py and VEX.
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