basic isometric mesh surfacing

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Does anyone have any tips on how to get this simple meshing style, based on a grid of points / grid aligned volume as input?

I've tried isooffset, convert, and different variations, its something I check google every year or so, the closest info i've found so far has been this artstation project ( blogs aschei marching-cubes ), where the artist is using python with a lookup table, which seems completely extreme for such a basic effect, but maybe it is the only way to really get that specific look in houdini?

The closest I came was to generate an isosurface after tweaking loads of settings, then to quantize the @P attribute, then compute dual surface, but its sort of glitchy, meshing at certain edge cases its impossible to know where to generate an edge automatically but I think Im clost, I really wanted to get more opinions and views on the approach.
My technique doesnt produce a mesh that exactly generates polygon faces respective exactly in the center of where they should be for the cells.

Edited by NNNenov - 2024年4月17日 18:16:10
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It looks like, that in your example the density value of the marching-cubes-grid is either zero or one. If you have a guide geometry, the inner points are candidates to be zero. It seems, that the number of neighbours, which are also inside the geometry has influence on this density value. There are 6 neighbours of a grid point (adding this to the point (+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z) scaled by the grid size). If there are 5 or more neighbours also inside the geo, the point itself should have zero density and one if not.
Here is an experimental file using Marching Cubes in VEX.

marching_cube_VEX_expiriments.hipnc (222.3 KB)

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I didnt think about the density values of the points, I will take time to think about your answer.
The example file you provided is beyond my understanding, and completely fascinating, it must have taken you some time to create / implement! Its just amazing. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.
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