VEX node links

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Hi all.

I want ask, what workaround i can use in “VEX” building? I`m about a visual creation of shaders. The links (nice gray and, if selected - yellow lines) have really unpredictable behavior for me.

After creation connection link, i can`t disconnect it. Sometime selection mode (yellow color) is stick and i must toggles links look (“s” key) scale-unscale network, do many clicks and other unnecessary moves, before i see sweet menu option “Disconnect”.

May be this problem of “Small UI” mode? Or i use grid snapping in network editor and this is problem? What i do wrong?

Or this part of UI now in hard development stage and more quiet way now - VIM instead of VEX ?
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hi live_fx,
I have posted about this here, can you add your details and system spec' a hip file if you have one. []

You seem to be suffering the same errors.I often find the right click menu breaks after you zoom in on nodes.Yet you can close and re open and it is fine.

Gone fishing
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I have encountered the same problem in some cases. The menu is certainly the easiest way and we will look into this. Until then you can click on the input on the second node then again in empty space to disconnect. Let us know if this does not offer a workaround for you.

Robert Magee
Senior Product Marketing Manager
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circusmonkey, i post.

What i do for workaround:
1. many clicks on nodes-links-and empty space
2. scale-unscale network.
3. If node have one link only (on input and output) i use menu option “Disconnect selected node input” or “ - - - output”.
4. Say many really bad words (sometimes it help too)
5. Reopen scene. (when 1,2,3 and 4 don`t help.)

Great thanks - It work. i happy now
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