Houdini 10 stopped working :(

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Joined: 10月 2008
Was working fine for the last two weeks. All of a sudden today I restarted my computer and the icons would not load. I changed the gamma in color settings, hoping to force Houdini to rebuild the UI. Now, it does not even start up at all. Just crashes immediately without launching the interface. Does not even show the splash screen, either.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled. Repaired permissions… Old versions still work, just not 10.

I'm on Intel Mac OS 10.5.6. 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB ram, GeForce 8600M GT video card.

I think there are preferences somewhere that are not deleted by the uninstaller. Is that possible? Where is the UI cache?

I have checked other threads on “no UI.” In my user folder I have a houdini9.5 directory from an older install, but there is no houdini 10 directory.

Edit: I downloaded the latest daily build and installed it. The splash screen now shows up, but houdini crashes before building the UI.
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Indeed the uninstaller does not delete preferences folder because they may be shared with other Houdini versions (ie, daily builds) still installed on your computer. Also, the preference folder may contain some hip or otl files that you created.

The preference files are in
or in

The icon files are in config/Icons/ subfolder of the above directories.
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Joined: 10月 2008
Trashing the 10.0 folder in $HOME/Library/Preferences/houdini/ fixed the problem. Something in there must have become corrupted.

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