Modeling with Houdini

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Wow, those are lovely!

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They look good though I find the stone on the right looks better.

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so theys look good !!
i know houdini is a champion for procedural modeling ! with a node, we can do a lot of things !! but to modeling a body or a house or something like that, i think, it is better to use maya !!
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If you want to build a house I would say Houdini would be better. Why? Because you could make otl's for doors, windows, walls, stairs everything and then they become re-usable.
Even if you don't do that building such regular structures in Houdini is so easy and so controllable, very easy to edit the size and shape once you have the basics in place, much nicer to work that way for me.
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damm that is some nice rocks
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Those rocks really ROXXX

could you make some tutorial about it?

or can i learn just analizing the files?

thanx anyway!!!!
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I too wish you could make a tutorial about it.
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i just found the are just pics…

no files for download :cry:
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Try a sphere with a mountinSOP for the larger details, add a subdivideSOP, then another mountainSOP for slightly smaller details, and a displacement shader for the really small details. Add colours to suit.

Or even throw a fractalSOP into the mix, but be sure to use vertex and not points inside this sop of the result will be a mite unexpected.
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still hard to get into this example!

no way some good heart provide a tutorial or an example?

i am really interested in this technique!


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Not quite procedural as I cheated and used texture maps for shading, but dont tell anyone…

rock.rar (850.7 KB)

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possible.. yes but its like modeling with your hands tied behind your back.. no offense but its just not a true modeling environment like Silo or a rhino or moi for nurbs.

The thing I find mainly annoying about modeling in houdini is having to worry about where an object is as far as the SOP space, this set up just adds a lot of extra clicking and hassle while modeling, also for nurbs modeling there are only a few programs out there that have the true nurbs viewport which is something I like too much to give up.. but houdini is of course the best for what it is trying to be the best at.
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wow :roll:

What more can i say?!:

really thanx for this gift!

its less than 1mb

but its worth of 1gb of thanks

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thanks ragupasta. it is really helpful.
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possible.. yes but its like modeling with your hands tied behind your back.. no offense but its just not a true modeling environment like Silo or a rhino or moi for nurbs.

The thing I find mainly annoying about modeling in houdini is having to worry about where an object is as far as the SOP space, this set up just adds a lot of extra clicking and hassle while modeling, also for nurbs modeling there are only a few programs out there that have the true nurbs viewport which is something I like too much to give up.. but houdini is of course the best for what it is trying to be the best at.

Here's a very rough sketch of an example I saw on the MOI site. Not nearly as pretty but this represents 10 minutes of work. I have full control over the model and can change any aspect of it non-destructively and of course carry on and elaborate the model. A primary strength of a procedural workflow is the invitation to experiment and try ideas.

moi_egg_tube_thing.hip (75.6 KB)
egg_thing.png (63.0 KB)

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Ha … I did play whit MOI while is was Beta … so I know that egg thing. I completely agree whit you.

You can do things in Houdini that are really hard to come u whit in other programms. As always it's the great freedom that makes it so unique
And It's also cool for creating abstract structures for architure and art stuff.
Here's one of my experiments in Houdini (I did already post some more over at odforce)
Edited by - 2009年8月24日 11:09:29

wrooble2.jpg (441.1 KB)

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That's gorgeous. Is it from a fluid sim or did you use the particle surfacer?
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wow…really cool art orr!

i will search more about MOI!
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I said I use rhino or moi.. more like I use them together as each has their own strong point.. moi is very good for creating a base shape and then I do poly modeling in silo from the low poly shape generated from the nurbs. Sure houdini is good for procedural modeling but a combination of moi / rhino / silo is far better suited for most modeling tasks.. I think anyone who spends the majority of their time modeling would agree with me on this.

I've used just about every 3d modeling program I can get my hands on and moi is a lot better than you might think for certain niche areas of freeform modeling, it can't do refinements of nurbs surfaces and has some other weaknesses but if you can refine in rhino and then open it in moi there is no better program for quickly freeform modeling an object.

All in all I don't think its reasonable to think that one piece of software is going to be the best for handling an idea from conception to completion so these other modeling packages do have their place.
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Here's a very rough sketch of an example I saw on the MOI site. Not nearly as pretty but this represents 10 minutes of work. I have full control over the model and can change any aspect of it non-destructively and of course carry on and elaborate the model. A primary strength of a procedural workflow is the invitation to experiment and try ideas.

The examples on the moi site, including the one you posted are terrible examples of what moi can be used for and of course you can do this in houdini too or any other program that supports nurbs.. why not download the trial of moi for yourself before you trash the software… it has a very freeflowing work environment that is on the opposite end of the spectrum than houdini, its just a niche program of course but it has its spots where its the best for certain things but not many people are doing real freeform nurbs modeling so it just depends on what you're using it for
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